Month: February 2014

My research

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My research officially starts tomorrow!! I’m excited!! WOOHOO starting my first “real” research project. I get to work with two of my best friends here at school too so that makes it even better 🙂 !

So excited! 

Sorry I am not sorry for being a nerd.




My feelings as told my Dr. Cox from scrubs

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Dr. Cox explains how I feel the best. ” Do you know how much you annoy me. The answer is A LOT!”



Today: thanks for the memories.

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Today I am thankful. I am thankful for all the memories I’ve made in the last 3 years. Good memories or bad memories; they are all blessings and lessons. They have helped me to become the person I am today. So today, I am thankful.


Thanks for the memories.


OOPS I did it again

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Yup. I am sick….AGAIN?! How this is even possible I don’t really know because I’ve been on antibiotics for the last week and a half. My ear infection has cleared up but I have managed to get even sicker with this wicked cough and congestion. I currently sound like a man and hack up a lung every ten minutes. Sexy right?! I’ve been getting sick a lot like this often so I decided to just go home for my final spring break (LAME..) and see an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist about this. Both my parents have had problems with their noses and such and both have had surgeries on their noses. I’m starting to wonder if I’m next. I am constantly congested and have had this lingering cough for about a year now. I’m not a smoker so the cough can’t be blamed on that so I don’t know what’s wrong with me really.  Hopefully he can figure it out. 

If I had the option, I honestly probably could have slept this entire day. I slept until 1pm today which is super unusual for me. I’m usually awake by around 7:30 and 10:30 is normally the latest I’ll sleep.  It’s been a long and stressful week and I’ve spent all my free time in the library. Because of this, I forced myself out of bed around 2:30pm to go be social for a little. I really could fall asleep again and  just sleep for the night right now. I’m staying awake long enough to go out with my friend Jess for a little bit, then I plan to fall asleep on her couch watching movies. While everyone is raging tonight I shall be doing shots of Robotussin. WOOOOO. Oh well. I still have plenty of time to “live it up” before graduating. For now, I’ll just be sick on the couch.




Can’t sleep won’t sleep….

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Sooo it is currently 1:38am. I am wide awake. I am supposed to meet my friend in the library around 7am to study for our marine mammal identification quiz. Yay memorizing scientific names and distinguishing features!  My alarm was set for 6am…. we will see about that. Since I can’t sleep what better to do with my time then blog, apply to more grad schools and study more. I’m a super exciting person at early hours of the morning I know. If anyone is currently up feel free to comment and say hi. 




That wtf moment

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you walk into a test feeling like you’re pretty well prepared? You then proceed to look at the test and your first reaction is WTF is this?! Yup, that was just my reaction to the test I just finished. It is safe to say I’m rather annoyed and frustrated. Ugh.



Date parties, parking tickets, antibiotics, and limos

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So for most people their night would just be starting right now. Mine is ending and I honestly couldn’t be more happy. Let’s start from the beginning. 

Today I woke up in one of those weird moods. It was one of those moods where I was more content to sit at home alone with a good book instead of socialize with people. Lucky me, tonight was my sororities Valentines Day date party. Oh joy. I had already promised my little and some friends that I would go. I been cooped up in my room all alone for the past two weeks studying for tests and such so I decided maybe some social interaction would be good for me. I forced myself out of bed and away from the book I had started. I didd invite a “date” for the night after all. Most of my guy friends here at school are gay. I would say a good 50% of them are. I convinced one of them, being my close friend and all, to be my date for tonight. He woke up this morning with a massive headache that lasted all day so….he didn’t end up coming. GREATTTTTT I’m dateless to a Valentines Day date party and the option to just suck it up and be drunk and alone the entire time is out the window because I’m still technically sick and on antibiotics. Drinking is a no no at the moment. So, I  suck it up and begrudgingly go alone. Shortly after getting to the venue I’m in the bathroom when my good friend come in and breaks some news to me. She tells me that our friend tried to commit suicide last night. I am completely shocked. I hadn’t know the guy for too long but for as long as I’ve known him he has always been super nice and happy. I was speechless and honestly and didn’t know what to say. She told me the events of the night prior and how he had been texting her basically saying goodbye. Then she showed me his tweets. They were goodbye messages to the world. Thank God his attempt was not a success and someone found out in time. I just want to take a moment from this post and just say if anyone is ever considering taking their life please never do that. It is never worth it and it should NEVER be an option. I know life gets really hard sometimes and people struggle with mental illnesses but just remember their is always someone out there that loves you and would be completely heartbroken if you ever left this world. Please please please don’t ever hurt yourself. Just don’t.


With my sorority we don’t have sober drivers. It is actually against our bylaws. The chapter pays for cabs to take us to events so that everyone can get there and back safetly. Because of this, leaving the date party once I was there was not an option. None of the cabs would be back until 11 and it was only about 8pm at this time. I stay and tried to have a good time. I actually did for a while. It then just got kind of annoying once people started getting too drunk and starting doing what I predicted. They either we awkwardly sucking face with the boy they brought or in a corner crying about their date. I was just over it. Thank God the cabs were finally there. I walk out and to my surprise I see a limo amongst the cabs. Better yet I see my friends in the limo. I asked in they were going back to campus and they say yes. Naturally I jump in. Free ride home in a limo?! I’m down. That also was the 2nd time I have ever been in a limo. The first time was in preschool. Don’t ask. We take the limo back to campus and what do I find on my car.  A PARKING TICKET. When I was driving to the pre game earlier that night I had told my friend, who I was driving, that I really didn’t want to park in said area. I knew that people had gotten tickets before but the spot we had originally parked in was pretty far from our destination and we were in heels. I suck in heels massively. We opted to park closer in said spot with her promising that if I did in fact get a ticket she would pay half. Looks like someone is going splitsies with me……..

After the events of tonight I am pretty damn happy to be reunited with my bed, food that is free, and my book.



Busy busy busy

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GRE round 2 completed. I did what I came to do and I raised my Quantitative (math) score to above a 150. WOO HOO. Go Meghan!!

Now it’s time for a short break before I go to the gym then spend the rest of my night studying for the doom that is my 3 hour marine chemistry test tomorrow. SOS! I’m just ready for it to be 5:30pm tomorrow so my test will be over and I can just sleep forever. Thus far my plans for tomorrow include:

7:30-8:30 more studying

9:30-12:20 class

12:30-2:30 meeting with professor about my research and hopefully some lunch.

2:30-5:30 marine chem exam

5:30-? BEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD with a variety of junk food. Maybe the gym if I’m feeling semi motivated. If I’m really feeling amped to go out maybe I will. Knowing how long this week has been and since I can’t drink on antibiotics….my friday will probably be me one someones couch watching movies or me sleeping. 

I mean that’s not the worst way to spend a friday night. At least I have plans saturday. Then sunday it’s back to studying my face off. YAY college. Less than 3 months left. 

I think I can I think I can.




I find it funny when…

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I find it funny when people ask me for Valentines Day advice. ME??! That’s funny. You see, I think I have maybe had 3 valentines my whole life. 

Valentine #1 was around 4th or 5th grade. It was the usual awkward like each other from a far. You know the kind where you never directly talk to each other but talk through friends or notes. It was your typical slip a valentine into each others backpack at after school care while the other wasn’t around.


Valentine #2 was in 6th grade (clearly I peaked early in life). It was the usual leave a cute gift in each others lockers and talk to each other that night one AIM (remember when that was super popular?!). I must mentioned we broke up promptly a week or so later.


Valentine #3 wasn’t until my freshman year of college. Yes college. It was really cute though. We weren’t officially together at the time but he wrote me a song that I know he is still slightly embarrassed by to this day. I loved it. It was something I had always secretly wanted a guy to do for me. It was one of the of most thoughtful gifts I have received and I won’t lie… I still listen to it from time to time.


That is the extent of my valentines. A least my parents like to still send me a little card and candy every year. I find it funny when people ask for my help with Valentines Day related things because I honestly don’t know what to tell you. I’ve actually had people get frustrated with me saying things like “come on your a girl you should be good at this stuff”. WRONGO. That’s a joke. I am no expert in the romance department in any way shape or form. I’m still trying to get a grasp on the whole “love” thing and figure it out myself.  





ps: the mass amount of posts in the last few days are brought to you by me being sick and procrastinating on studying. 


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Don’t take one day to tell or show someone how important they are to you. You should do this everyday. Take the time to let someone know you care about them or you’re thinking about them. You don’t have to say “I love you”. All you have to say is “Hi”. You don’t always realize how one message can totally turn a persons day around. So spread a little love everyday, not just Friday. 
